Green Harissa Grilled Cheese Sandwiches - Favorite National Foods

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Monday, April 3, 2017

Green Harissa Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

I’m so excited to share this recipe with you guys! These grilled cheese sandwiches are creamy, spicy and loaded with tons of cheese and a refreshing green harissa pasta!  The harissa is slightly spicy, just enough to make your tongue tingle and packed full of parsley and cilantro.  It smells of toasted cumin (my favourite!) and generously lathered over a creamy, cheesy mixture then grilled until it starts oozing out from the edges.

How was your weekend?? We had a long weekend here, which is always fun because it feels like you’re playing hooky from work.  Can you tell that I don’t get out much?!?  It’s probably best that I don’t, I think I’m safer inside since it’s come to my attention just how accident prone I am.  But with being this clumsy, there’s been a certain level of expertise that comes with this lifelong blessing.
So let me explain.

I fell.  Like REALLY fell, on the ice.  Not the first time I’ve done so, I might add, but I’m pretty proud of this particular experience.  It was super cold out, I mean, so much so that my teeth felt like they were frozen.  It was a quick walk to one of my favourite local Italian restaurants.
I ordered our food as take out, eager to get home and crack open a bottle of wine as a reward from an extra long day at work.  I paid for my meal and ran out of the restaurant.  Within steps of leaving, I slipped on a patch of ice and went crashing down.  It felt like it was happening slowly, I went backward, legs in the air, comically falling as if I was on a TV sitcom.  And all I remember thinking is, “oh god, my FOOD!!”.  I held on for dear life, gripping onto the foil packaging with shear will.  Or instinct? I’d like to think that I have that too.

Lying on the ice I panicked, checking first to make sure there was nothing leaking from the bag.  No! Phew! Ok, any broken bones? No! (don’t you just love those priorities!?!?) Cautiously getting up, I was pretty proud of myself.  I managed to save my pasta. WIN!  I hobbled to car, checked for any scrapes, gave myself a little cheer and headed home.

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My husband took one look at me and the leftover box when I got home, wondering why there was such a large indent in it.  I told him I fell but I managed to save our food.  He shook his head and then game me a high five.  He totally gets me!

These grilled cheese sandwiches are a perfect cold night comfort food! Who doesn’t love melted cheese between two buttery toasted pieces of bread!?! And this grilled sandwich is LOADED with it!  This sandwich tastes like a better version of jalapeno poppers.  Super flavourful and refreshing, loaded with herbs and creamy, gooey melted cheese mixed into bites of jalapeno.  The smell of cumin fills your nostrils and the taste is cooled by the cheese mixture that instantly melts over your mouth.
I don’t know what it is about grilled cheese sandwiches, but they are the ultimate comfort food for me.  Actually, to be honest, any combination of carbs and cheese will do! But this recipe may have to become a regular thing because I’m craving them again…how many times is it OK to eat grilled cheese sandwiches in a day?

Green Harissa Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Recipe

gooey, creamy, grilled cheese sandwiches loaded with spicy green harissa sauce!
Recipe type: Sandwich
Serves: 2


Green Harissa Sauce:
  • ½ cup parsley leaves
  • ½ cup cilantro leaves
  • 2 jalapenos, chopped and deseeded
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp toasted cumin seeds
  • 1 shallot
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

Grilled Cheese:
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 4 ounces goat cheese
  • ½ cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 2 tbsp butter, divided
  • 4 slices of bread

Read More: Green Harissa Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

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