Chocolate Espresso Breakfast Shakes - Favorite National Foods

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Monday, April 3, 2017

Chocolate Espresso Breakfast Shakes

These chocolate espresso breakfast shakes are so GOOD you guys! I’m really excited to tell you about these today, mostly because I’m drinking one while I write this up…I mean….”quality assurance” and all that right? AAANNNNND I think the caffeine just hit me.   These shakes are super creamy, chocolatey and GOOD for you!?!? I know, shocking right?

Since I started making these shakes, I can’t stop drinking them! I’m totally addicted and I don’t feel bad about it.  Why would I? There’s tons of protein and fibre in these breakfast shakes and the chocolate makes them even better!! They’re totally satisfying and the sweetness means that I’m not looking for a sugar fix 15 minutes later.  Win!

I’ve been wanting to make these for a little while.  I have a serious sweet tooth and it gets me in a lot of trouble.  You’d totally judge me if you knew the amount of sugar I consume on a daily basis.  I think it’s partly because I’m constantly exhausted and my body is craving energy.  The other part is just because I LOVE sugar. Ha!  I get it from my dad, he has a serious sweet tooth too.

So these breakfast shakes are a saviour for me.  It means that I get my caffeine boost AND my sugar fix all in one go while still being healthy!  Instead of coffee and a chocolate pastry, I’m subbing it with these chocolate espresso breakfast smoothies and I’m feeling pretty good!

These shakes are naturally sweetened and packed full of fibre and protein, so they’ll keep you going all morning (or afternoon when you hit that 3pm slump!).  The caffeine will give you the boost you need to power through your day and the chocolate is…well…it’s just DELICIOUS! I added creamy nut butter to it as well to thicken up the shakes so you feel full for longer.  And the nut flavour goes perfect with the coffee and chocolate.

Top these shakes with anything you want! I added extra nut butter, coconut cream, cocoa nibs for crunch and a little sprinkle of turmeric to feel extra healthy!

Chocolate Espresso Breakfast Shakes Recipe

Creamy chocolate espresso breakfast shakes packed full of fibre, protein and caffeine to help you get through your day!
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 1

  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup oats
  • 1 shot espresso or 2 tbsp strong coffee
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp nut butter
  • coconut cream, nut butter, cocoa nibs, turmeric, dried rose petals for garnish

Read More: Chocolate Espresso Breakfast Shakes

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